
8 Best Books for Homeschooling Moms

Here are the 8 best books to help and encourage the homeschooling mom

(actually both moms and dads can benefit greatly from these great homeschooling books :-))

The 8 Best Books For Homeschool Moms

When you choose to homeschool your children, questions race through your mind. LOTS OF QUESTIONS. Where do I start? How can I actually do this? Am I crazy? Will I mess my kids up? These questions are especially strong when you do not have a supportive family or friends and haven’t been raised in a culture where homeschooling is acceptable. Turning to books by respected authors in the homeschool community is helpful when you are trying to find answers to your questions.

I came from a background that didn’t think homeschooling was a good idea. Homeschooling first came onto my radar at church, when for the first time I actually met some homeschoolers and their. They were some of the most kind, confident, smart, and all around amazing kids I had ever met. At the time, I was teaching in a public school. In my mind, public school was the only way to go. Yet, when I started getting to know the homeschool families and talk with them about their “whys” and “hows”, the idea of homeschooling seemed really amazing to me for the first time. These same families recommended a couple of books to me to help answer my many homeschooling questions.

“You’re going to WHAT?!?!”

Fast forward several years… We made the decision to homeschool our children. I heard it all after that announcement and for years after. There were the discouragers, the naysayers, the “know it alls,” that questioned our decision to school our children at home. So, I was thankful for the encouragement I received from friends and I was also thankful for the vast information and encouragement I received from books. I devoured as many homeschooling books that I could get my hands on and many of them are in my list of 8 best homeschooling books for homeschooling moms.

Books are an amazing resource for homeschool families. They inform us, encourage us, and keep us going when we are feeling like giving up. Nothing beats a good book and a cup of coffee! I plan to continue to add to my list of best books for homeschooling as I keep reading more and more from authors that I respect.

While life is busy as a homeschool mom, we need to make sure that we get time to study and prepare not only our minds, but our hearts to teach and lead our children. Great books help us do just that!

reading, lake, summer

While I read less during the school year due to busyness with my children and the fact that we read aloud a lot as a family and let’s face it, I get tired; I find that during breaks and in the summer, I do a lot of reading for myself. I keep a notebook with space for notes for each book that I am reading. I underline and highlight my books as well. My kids know that I am building myself up as their teacher when I am reading books about homeschooling.

I think that it is also a great example to your child when they see you reading to grow in your knowledge of something. Modeling this idea will encourage them to be lifelong learners. It also shows that parents don’t know everything and that we humbly need to seek out information and truth.

Here is my list of the 8 best homeschooling books that I recommend for moms:

books, stack, book store
So many good homeschool books, so little time 🙂

The Homeschool Mom Booklist: The 8 BEST Books to Prepare for Homeschooling

The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Wise Bauer

Actually ANYTHING by Susan Wise Bauer that I have read has been utterly fantastic! I have many of her books. What fascinates me about her is her intellect. This woman is brilliant! She was homeschooled herself and homeschooled her children as well.The Classical Learner is an amazing reference book for any homeschool family. I do not consider myself a strong intellect. I wasn’t taught classically. I have read very few of the classical pieces that classical education recommends, however the encouragement that Susan gives to someone like me, is that I can learn how to read difficult books such as…

The Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer

You can find Susan Wise Bauer’s website by clicking here.

Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition by Karen Glass

Again, anything by Karen Glass is worth your time to learn from. She has a brilliant mind and is great at explaining how classical education and Charlotte Mason are intertwined. While I am not a Charlotte Mason Purist, I tend to take many of my educational philosophies from her ideas. Karen expounds on Charlotte Masons philosophies in a brilliant, yet understandable way. I have read this one twice and refer to it often. I have given copies of this book away to friends because I thought it was so excellent.

Consider This by Karen Glass

You can find Karen Glass’s website by clicking here.

Rethinking School: How to Take Charge of your Child’s Education by Susan Wise Bauer

Rethinking School is a great resource for parents that are homeschooling their children and for parents of public school children as well. It has a plethora of information as to how as a parent you are in control of your child’s schooling and education. She challenges many of the widely accepted ideas about education. Like I mentioned earlier this woman is brilliant and she writes in such a clear and concise way. While she does cover a lot of public school issues, I think that it is important to understand what our rights as parents are in education. Plus it is a great book you can recommend to a friend who is struggling with their child in the traditional public school classroom. Here is a quote from the book cover: “Caught in this system, far too many young learners end up discouraged, disconnected, and unhappy. And when they struggle, school pressures parents, with overwhelming force, into ‘fixing’ their children rather than questioning the system.” WOW!

Living in a state that loathes homeschooling and charter schools (basically anything that challenges the traditional role of public education), I found this book to be quite helpful when discussing why I choose to homeschool rather than send my children away to the institution of school. You can even recommend it to those family members that give you a hard time about homeschooling. (Hmmm. Just a thought!)

Rethinking School by Susan Wise Bauer

Home Learning Year By Year: How to Design a Homeschool Curriculum from Preschool through High School by Rebecca Rupp

This is a great reference book for the new and veteran homeschool mom. Rebecca Rupp wrote this book as a template to follow as you plan instruction for your children. I like many of her book recommendations and advice on what is appropriate to teach at each grade level. It is written in a very reader friendly way. This is a good resource for a parent who likes to design their own curriculum for their child. It covers Preschool all the way to High School. Each grade level is broken down by subjects such as math, language arts, history, and science. While I use this periodically as a reference, it is not completely what guides my instruction.

Homes Learning Year by Year by Rebecca Rupp

Best Homeschool Encouragement Books for Moms

Here are a couple of the books that have encouraged my soul when it comes to homeschooling:

Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, and my Journey Towards Sanctification by Cindy Rollins


A Handbook to Morning Time by Cindy Rollins

So, I am combining the Mere Motherhood book and handbook into one section. What I have pictured below is my handbook to morning time. It is marked up, filled with post-its, and one of my favorite references. (I gave my original book away, so I need to buy another copy, lol)

Mere Motherhood (the original book, not the handbook) is one of the only homeschooling books that has made me cry. And, by the way, I would not say that I am a big crier when it comes to books. Cindy Rollins is an amazing writer and her book was one of the most beautiful, encouraging, and inspirational books that I have ever read about homeschooling. I think it goes down as one of my favorites :-).

I had never heard of “morning time” or its benefits until I read this book. I was at a homeschool convention when I randomly came across this book. I liked the cover and what the first couple of pages had to say, so I purchased it not really knowing what it was about. I am so thankful I did.

Her Morning Time Handbook has helped me to implement a Christ-centered morning time so that we are focused on what is most important to us. This book by far has changed my thinking about how important this consistent morning time is. I highly recommend this amazing homeschooling book by an amazing woman and author.

Morning Time Handbook By Cindy Rollins

For the Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

This is a very gentle and warm book to encourage the mother in why and how she educates her children. This is a Christian book and therefore gives Christian principles that should guide educating our children. The experiences that you give your child should be rich, stable, and filled with joy and their education should be built around that. The principles of this book can be applied to all types of education. The goal of your education should be to provide a pleasant child-centered learning experience in your homeschooling (or any education).

The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education by Ainsley Arment

I checked this out from the Library! I was so excited to see it there. Usually my public library does not have homeschooling resource books, so I end up buying all of them. I will eventually purchase this one for myself at some point, but for now, I am happy to get it from my library.

The philosophy of a Wild and Free is to allow your children to experience the adventure, freedom, and wonder of childhood without being confined to a rigid system that values who they are. This book is very practical and gives a lot of insight, wisdom, and encouragement to the homeschool family.

This has started an entire movement that I believe has grown exponentially in the last couple of years. They also have their own magazine that you can subscribe too as well as other books in their collection.

You can find the Wild and Free Website by clicking here.

I like to hold on to the books I love. I re-read many of my favorites and eventually I give them away to other mothers or parents who are new to homeschooling.

The 8 Best Books Every Homeschool Mom Should Read

I am so thankful for the other homeschool parents that have made it to the other side and for writing in a way that educates gently and encourages greatly. Thank you fellow home educators for paving the way for us newbies and giving us the encouragement we need!

If you are a new homeschooling mom, check out this article, “14 Helpful Tips for the New Homeschool Mom.”

On My Future “Books to Read” List

These are the books I have in my personal reading basket. I look forward to reading them in the near future and gleaning from them! Have any of you read these books? If so, what did you learn from them?

My books to read and add to the collection of best homeschool books for moms

The Lost Tools of Learning: A Symposium on Education by Dorothy Sayers

The Read-Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with your Kids by Sarah Mackenzie

The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life by Julie Bogart

The New Read-Aloud Handbook: Including a Giant Treasury of Great Read-Aloud Books by Jim Trelease

In Vital Harmony: Charlotte Mason and the Natural Laws of Education by Karen Glass

Know and Tell: The Art of Narration by Karen Glass

Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child by Anthony Esolen

The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusades by Susan Wise Bauer

Do you have any recommendations for the best homeschooling books to read? If so, leave them in the comments below 🙂

Watch this YouTube video to see how to find good books at great prices. (I know that I love getting good deals :-))

One more thing about best books…

I am a “write in my books” type of girl. So I wanted to share with you these great pens and highlighters that are erasable, don’t bleed through, and are thin line for beautiful writing. I like taking notes for each book that I read as well, so I use smaller notebooks that I can bring along with me.

Thanks for joining me! Let me know what your reading list looks like! 🙂

8 Best books for homeschool moms

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