FREE PDF Printable History Timeline Notebook Pages
Timeline notebooks are a great tool to use in your homeschooling to help your children put all the pieces of history together and see how events, people, and discoveries relate to one another.

We originally started out with a large timeline on our hallway wall. This worked for a short time, but I found that the wall wasn’t large enough. We have used a variety of other timelines in our years of homeschooling as well: fold up accordion style timelines, and a notebook where we filed work according to chronological order.
We never felt satisfied, however, with any of these ways of recording the historical, scientific, or art history events. That is when I decided to come up with our own timeline book.
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Making a Creative History Timeline Book
Having a timeline of historical events is important for children so that they can visually see how events relate to each other. Not only major historical events, but scientific discoveries, inventions, important people, and art history movements and artists as well.

“Record not only major historical events, but scientific discoveries, inventions, important people, art history movements, artists, and composers as well.”
I wanted this book to be with my children throughout their entire school career. So I decided it would have to be pretty large (over 100 pages) and sturdy! Be prepared if you download this timeline book that it is very long. 🙂 You may want to print the pages for the history period that you are studying.

Should you use a History Timeline Book in your Homeschool?
We decided to begin making a new timeline in a book this year. I created this timeline book as a resource for my children, but wanted to share it with others so that they could benefit from seeing how history unfolds as well. It follows the order and colors of the History Curriculum: The Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer. My kids really like listening to the CDs by Jim Weiss.
I use a variety of living history books alongside the Story of the World. I think that is what clicks for us for now. As my children get older, I may change things a bit.
While we do not exclusively use “The Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer, I decided to model the time periods after this curriculum. You will see that there are four main periods and they are organized by the colors from “The Story of the World.” However, these pages will work with any history curriculum that you are using. Also for those who want to save on colored ink, simply choose to print the History Timeline Book in grayscale.
You can find The Story of the World by clicking the links below:
Here are samples of what the History Timeline Book pages look like below:
Continue to scroll down to download your FREE timeline Book! 🙂

Instructions for using this FREE PDF History Timeline Book
To use these for your personal homeschool, simply print out the pages on whichever type of paper you prefer, cardstock or a high quality printing paper. Ensure that you are printing landscape. You can bind the book landscape or purchase a folder to put your pages in. I bought a landscape 3-ring binder on Amazon to put my pages in. See below for a link to the landscape 3 ring binder that we use.
It may be wise to only print up the pages for the time period that you are learning about. There are approximately 130 pages total in this History Timeline book, so it is a lot to print up at one time.
Updated FRONT COVER for History Timeline Book

Supplies you may need/want for your History Timeline Book:
The number one item you may want to purchase is a landscape binder for your timeline pages. I use the one below from Amazon.
I also like to use a high quality paper that is thicker so that markers and pens don’t bleed through.
My children often draw and write down the history event on circle stickers. Having stickers is an easy way to stick in those history events. No glue or glue stick needed.
What do I put on my History Timeline Pages?
There are a variety of ways to begin filling in your history timeline pages. As you are learning something that occurred in history, you can have your child draw a picture on a small plain sticker and place that in the book. You can use the lines provided to write in the event with a brief description.
Rainbow Resources sells great history stickers that you can place in your book. See those here.
Here is a great website that I have found helpful as we began filling in our Timeline Book:
Homeschooling 2E has printable timeline figures. We glue many of these pictures in our Timeline Book.
This FREE download contains:
- 3 versions of A History Timeline front cover
- Color Coded instructions for the history pages
- Ancient History pages
- Medieval History pages
- Early Modern History pages
- Modern History pages
- “The Future” Pages
This History Timeline Book is 140 pages total. Print only the pages for the time period that you are studying to save on paper and ink.
This printer has been one of the best investments I have ever made in regards to homeschooling. Investing in a high quality printer has been wonderful for our family. The Epson Ecotank is wonderful because it prints beautifully, however the ink lasts such a long time. Refill are also very inexpensive.
Printable History Timeline Pages
I begin with 7,000 B.C. and go through A.D. 2034+. AND, just for fun, I added “The Future” into the timeline book. You can use these pages to make educated predictions of discoveries, inventions or events that may occur. The increments for each time period are below.

More tips and tricks for the History Timeline Notebook
Don’t forget to add in important events from your own lives; such as weddings, births, etc. Using actual pictures (small) and gluing them in will help your child visualize the events and people in their history timeline books.
Date increments for History Timeline Notebook pages:
- Ancient History: 7000+ BC – 5000 B.C. — 500 year increments
- Ancient History: 5000- 2400 B.C. — 200 year increments
- Ancient History: 2300 B.C. – 900 B.C. — 100 year increments
- Ancient History: 800 B.C. – 120 B.C. — 20 year increments
- Ancient History: A.D. 100 – 400 – 10 year Increments
- Medieval History: A.D. 400-990 — 10 year increments
- Medieval History: A.D. 1000- 1600 — 5 year increments
- Early Modern History: 1600-1800 –2 year increments
- Early Modern History: AD 1801-1850 — 1 year increments
- Modern History: AD 1850 – AD 2035 — 1 year increments
- The Future: (this is just a fun way to think about what will happen in the future- use if it suits you) 5 year increments
I have added one blank timeline page at the end of each history period. Copy that page as many times as you want and add it in where you feel it may be appropriate for your studies.
Here are your FREE HISTORY TIMELINE PRINTABLES!!! Subscribe Below and you will receive your FREE resource.
If you want the colorful front cover, scroll up to download the cover only. Subscribe to receive the History Timeline Book 🙂
Please feel free to share this with others. My goal is to help others where I have had teaching struggles. I hope that this resource is helpful to you!
For more fun homeschooling ideas click the button below. 🙂
How do you plan to use the timeline book? Do you have any tips or suggestions that would make this timeline more effective?
This is a very helpful article you have shared and the resources are very useful for our homeschool. Thank you for your share and research, it is appreciated.